If you think that posting content related to critical matters does not have an impact when you have fewer followers or a limited reach, think again.
It’s all in the goal
I’m definitely not referring to goals like promoting a business project, marketing an influencer page, selling a product, or simply nourishing the little mi-self in your ego. I’m talking about critical matters of higher importance such as life threatening events, survival in a hostile era, and the fight against the everlasting man-made machine.
Whether you are a morning person, a 9-5 person, a Robin-hood, or a night owl, your participation has a huge impact.
Drawing on my modest knowledge and continuous experience in information technology, data mining techniques, and the all-knowing, all-mighty AI, allow me to explain.
For most, social media platforms are “pics or it didn’t happen”, “spontaneous” brunch photos that took 20 minutes to arrange, #blessed vacation shots, and carefully staged “no filter” selfies – sometimes suicidal – but hey, isn’t it worth the shot?
We all have that one friend who insists on updating everyone on every smoothie they drink.
For me, these platforms are a triple-patty cheese-on-top extra fat storage disk holding bazillions of information shards.
Billions of people are posting millions by the second, about every possible and imaginable topic, POV (Point Of View), or detour into nonsense. From that guy giving the world a VIP performance of the ol’ hip-shimmy special (ars), through Donald Duck running for president, to that glamorous high priestess of contour and highlighter, gracing us with her every word, perfectly framed by a flawless winged liner, serving us beauty tips and life lessons like she’s holding court.
“Everything is in the Cloud.”
An unimaginable amount of data. Dare you imagine.
These data shards are filtered, screened, cleaned, processed, correlated, joint, organized and then stored for usage, particularly for analysis.
O Analysis, the best bite of the sandwich. This is where the magic happens.
Using powerful tools, a series of complex algorithms, and the time-saving resource-efficient newborn AI, analyzing this tremendous amount of information yields a well-organized, clean, and ready-for-use database. Most importantly, it offers the possibility to query a mine of informational gems for precious and strategic answers.
For instance, in matters like imperial moves, wars, laws, invasions, elections, etc., one could query and ask the database about the public opinion or trend in regards to such matters.
To illustrate the idea concisely without engaging in technical complexities, a query could look like:
“What is the percentage of people, having [insert criteria], who are in accordance with or are supporters of [such or such action]“
The machine will not only give a precise answer, it will also attach a detailed explanation of hows and whys.
Got a taste of the idea?
In this multi-billionaire fortune-teller human-driven machinery, anything that anyone posts matters.
For those who decided not to take part, the good news is you are not giving away free information for Big Bro to use. The bad news is you are still a victim.
First, by not giving away information, you are giving away your role and your right to participate in the process of shaping the world through this mechanism. An evil mechanism indeed, yet it is there, and whether you like it or not, it is affecting you.
Second, you do give away information anyway.
Your not-so-private pocket-diary companion and “faithful” smartphone is listening to every word you say, tracking every move you make, watching every keyword you search the engine for.
Make no mistake, these guys querying the machine will not regard you as a friend or as a foe. This is not their fight. They merely want more coin, more insight, and more data (greedy bastards) to adjust their plans according to the massive global vision and trend. Although their plan is often to invade your brain cells, try to alter your critical free mind, and smoothly insert seemingly improbable thoughts, aiming to familiarize a certain “next move” and forcing you to accept it before it happens, they cannot and will not take that leap of faith when the “holy” statistics recommend otherwise.
Where you stand depends on where you s[h]it.
My personal battle is not one in the mud, on the front line of a battlefield, nor in the dark labyrinth of political schemes and dirty plots; it is not in the lifeless competition of trend creative nor in the shameful hunt for followers.
I’m keenly aware that no one can change absolutely no one by feeding them ideas and opinions, sometimes half-baked and other times half lies, often rejected before they are even seen or heard.
My battle is in the shadows, on the endlessly growing yet not-so-green and sunless field of information: the matrix.
Yes, we can influence and – to a certain extent – control the statistics by adding our data shards, our signature, our impact, regarding any matter that relates to us.
Ever wondered why social media platforms come for free? Are they really for free? Or are we paying the hefty price with our lives?
It is, like it has always been, up to you.
Unless you choose the red pill, you are taking a blue pill every day.
So, which is it going to be? the blue pill or the red pill ?
– Hassãn Safieddine –
November 8, 2024